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Let’s be partners

Join forces with Treyd and enable your customers to Sell first and pay suppliers later, unlocking working capital to invest in growth.

Treyd partners

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image of Furniture

Why partner with Treyd

In the dynamic world of trading companies, capital tied up in inventory can be a bottleneck to growth. That's where Treyd steps in, offering a straightforward solution to finance inventory, unlocking working capital for expansion. Collaborating with Treyd is an opportunity to add value to your customer relationships while boosting your revenue streams at the same time. It's all about collective growth, creating an ecosystem that benefits not only our customers but each other as well. Our diverse range of partners includes accountants, tech providers, and value-add partners. Join our partner program today to join co-marketing forces and unlock the perks of our referral program.

The Treyd benefits

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Improve cash flow

Get your inventory without needing to make big cash flow sacrifices.

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Retain ownership

Keep control and ownership of your inventory when it’s not used as collateral.

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Fair, transperent fees

No complicated repayment scheme ot hidden charges. Just a flat fee for each financed invoive.

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Increase order sizes

Get the backing to make fewer, larger orders instead of frequent smaller ones.

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Improve margins

With larger orders, you can decrease price per unit and cut down on shipping costs.

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Keep suppliers happy

Speedy, reliable payments, makes for a good relationship. Which can lead to VIP treatment and priority services.

Join our partner network

Become our partner
Stuart Worgan, Director and co-founder, eClarity

"Treyd is a powerful financial tool for growing eCommerce companies."

– Stuart Worgan, co-founder and Director, eClarity

Abstract "explore" illustration, with hand using flashlight, an eye with wings and a hand holding a coin

Ready to grow together?

Reach out to Ben, our Head of Partnership to get things moving.